Where does the "hate" for RLM come from?

I don't think you know what objectively means.

Because, you know, one person who hates show tunes can watch The Lion King and say "there were too many show tunes." And someone who loves show tunes can watch the same movie and say "there weren't enough!"

The one thing that can easily be verified by looking with your eyes is that Phantom Menace has more practical effects than the other two. And I think a good deal of those effects look bad so I think Phantom Menace looks better. An opinion that I have that is based on a fact about the movies. I still have interpreted that fact through my own lens, but you can't just say "but such and such in this was a miniature" because for me it wasn't enough. You can say "I didn't think it looked bad." And that's fine. But you can't just say "people who think it did look bad are cultists." Because that's ridiculous and foolish. The only thing I would say is maybe just watch Lord of the Rings from around the same time as the prequels and ask yourself if in your heart of hearts you can say that the prequels are as visually pleasing as a movie trilogy that is kind of known for being nice to look at. Because for me, it's pretty clear. If you disagree, whatever. But there's no amount of "but such and such was a miniature" or "that wall was real" that will make me forgive how ugly and lifeless a lot of those environments are. Some of it may have been real, but it still looked bad, to me. And from where I sit it was because of bad effects and overuse of effects.

It's like, you saw The Force Awakens, right? You know how it looks really nice and you're not really going "ew what's that?" Why do you think that might be?

Phantom Menace didn't look great. But it looked better than the other two, to me.

What a a bizarre, sad little fool. In your mind literally everything you think about everything is absolutely the truth. You're right about one thing, though. You did just object. And I just explained my opinions. But my explanation of my opinions wasn't good enough. You just can't stop. You wanted me to explain my opinions so I did.

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