Where exactly do you guys go/ what do you do on a first date?

Do I wanna get laid that night or is this a date with actual relationship potential.

Laid - Bar as close to her place as possible. Makes the transition to her inviting you back extremely easy. Keep drinking and loosen up. I've had a ridiculous amount of success with this as just an average looking dude.

Relationship possible date - Coffee type of date or fast casual lunch. Never a place where you had a server like an actual dinner. Basically a setting where you can chat easily for an hour that nobody feels pressured if they want to leave. If it's nice out and we hit it off my go to is to suggest a walk where I can start some friendly touching (shoulder or arm, just to get a feel for how she reacts) and gauge if first date kiss is a go or no go. If I'm getting the good kiss vibe I like the surprise kiss method. Awkward build up is for teens, just pull her close and kiss her anywhere anytime. I've almost never had this backfire (for a socially anxious nerd apparently I read women on dates well).

/r/datingoverthirty Thread