Where is a fat, ugly, no-social skills, no friends, and no hobbies 27 going on 28 year old virgin with no romantic experience whatsoever even suppose to start?

dw about the virgin part, that's no ones business, don't talk about it, if anyone gets comfortable enough to ask about that they're sizing you up because they're interested, it's rude to ask but they probably want to see if you're gross/promiscuous, you're not

dw about the romantic experience part, alot of women, myself included, prefer casual friendly interactions that build into something more over time

as for the hobbies, just get some hobbies haha probably easier said than done ik but something like hiking for example could tick 2 boxes there, with potentially becoming a hobby And helping to cut weight

I see alot of people saying gym and ngl it helps, you wouldn't even have to be attractive in the face if you had a good/strong body (shallow ik but true)

but at the end of the day what's most important is personality, seriously as cliché as that sounds, joke around, be friendly,

reach out to people that seem to be a vibe YOU would like, online is a good place to start, and just be fun and light, talk about things going in your life, send memes, whatever

being social is kinda like work but eventually you'll find someone you get along with and it'll grow from there

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread