Where do they go from here?

I personally have a lot of feelings about a sequel, in which it doesn't make sense any way you put it

1) This film is the best in the series, stop them right now. Go out on a high note

2) This film was very cathartic for Laurie Strode, to have Michael be alive killing people in a sequel would definitely spit on this film

2A) Jamie Lee Curtis did not sign onto this film to be strung along in sequels. So because Laurie is alive at the end of this film, how are they gonna justify Michael going after new people and not going after her, or her hunting him down once again. There is no way they can have a good enough story to justify why JLC isn't in it. It would be stupid

But there are routes they can take, but there routes no one wants to see

They could either;

A) Make a sequel to this film that spits on it and just has Michael back killing people, which devalues all the importance of this film, Laurie cathartic journey and the highly improbable escape that would have to happen. But like stated in this film, the room was a trap. He can't escape


B) They make a sequel to another film in the timeline thus muddying up the series even more. By doing a sequel to resurrection or curse.

Bottomline. There is no way they can make a good sequel without spitting on this good film, or confusing people even more by making a sequel in one of the other 4 timelines lol

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