Where is iCache and Physicalised Inventory at now? (Dev Response)

I'm sad I missed the AMA. Something I've been wondering about ever since the CitCon presentation on this is that...

It's all fine and well to have a simulation of 90% of actors in the universe to generate a base layer of prices and feed that into the PU, but it's another thing entirely to take data from the PU and feed it into the simulation.

Real players are going to have more creativity, drive, resources, mischievousness than an NPC, and when those factors are applied at scale, one could argue they should have an impact on the economy simulation

For example: say there is a large corporation of players that want to, just for the hell of it, mine a crapload of some extremely common resource (I have past experience with EVE, so tritanium comes to mind). A real corporation of real players with outsized presence in a system that floods the market with "tritanium" (or whatever) should have some sort of impact on the price in that system and perhaps neighboring, even if you apply the 9:1 NPC-to-player ratio rule.

To me, the easiest and most idiomatic way to feed back information back into the simulation is to regularly poll the PU for inventory transaction data, then apply those to the inventories in the simulation, and let supply and demand run it's course from there.

Just wondering if that aspect is being taken into account, or if the 9:1 actor ratio is just another way of saying "we don't really want players to muck up prices the way EVE does".

/r/starcitizen Thread Link - robertsspaceindustries.com