Where is the line between the timeless art of seduction and being a 'nice girl' / false friend?

Actually I got plenty of responses- all negative. I find that to be typical when I ask for support in any facet of my life. I don't generally respond as I am here, but sometimes having the kindness I try to show the world repaid again and again with a slap in the face wears me down. I don't actually care what any of you think- I'm upset that there seems to be nowhere in the world I can turn for support or acceptance. I'm frustrated that I'm blamed for not having close women friends, despite getting this response every single time I try to reach out to other women for support. Literally every time. I feel like a fool for taking the risk of making this thread. I feel bullied, and as always I wonder what it is that makes other women bully me. THAT's why I'm upset.

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - cinemawithoutborders.com