Where my $48,500 government salary has gone in 2017 in Seattle, WA, USA [OC]

Nope, that's actually a good question! It's completely arbitrary:

-Any money I spend on drinks out in bars or breweries gets categorized as "Bars" -Any money I spend on beer/wine/liquor at grocery stores for consumption at home gets categorized as "Drinks" (and so does coffee or tea at coffee shops -- but this is a very tiny sliver of this category) -Any money I spend on prepared food at cafes or restaurants gets categorized as "Restaurants"

I kind of feel silly for separating them out this way, but my reasoning at the time was that buying beer to drink back at home with friends is cheaper than spending $6-$7 per beer out, so I hoped this would give me incentive to drink at home rather than drink at bars. I suppose judging by the numbers, it appears to have worked.

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