Where is the outrage over the plight of China's Uyghurs?

As much as we dislike what China is doing, we have to realize there is very little we can do about it.

China is not a "normal" country, it is an authoritarian State with a President for life. We can't "negotiate" with an authoritarian government. We can't impose sanctions and if we did, it would hurt us a lot more than them.

We can't frighten it with threats, economic or military... We can't bribe it into compliance...

The only realistic tool we have to protest is to give them an angry look... And even that could sink our economy...

The only way to solve that problem would be for the rest of the World to speak with one voice... But considering who occupied the White House right now and considering Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, we know it's not going to happen.

Other than that, we could give that 1 million+ Uyghur a refugee status and send 10,000 planes to pick them up in China... But we would need to dedicate a few billion dollars to do so...

I hate to say it but, China is going to China and there is little we can do about it.

/r/CanadaPolitics Thread Link - macleans.ca