Where to spend a few days in Greenland?

OK, in my honest opinion, Greenlands nature is pretty fucking boring, there are no exotic/beautiful plants and we have no trees at all(except for a few in a town somewhere in south Greenland, but they were imported), we have mountains but they're nothing special, but you'll have to try to convince yourself that they're beautiful because you paid shit load of money to see them. Most of the pictures you see of Greenland were taken from above because up close there is nothing to see except for our lovely mosquitos and maybe our old culture, but don't go here because you want to learn some new cultures just read about it from the internet. I could talk shit a lot more about my country like about its people, our government, education... but I'd like to ask you first why you want to come here to Greenalnd in the first place. Unless you are rich and don't know what to do with your money anymore I'll never recommend anyone to visit Greenland, atleast right now. But that's just my own unpopular opinion about my ''beautiful'' country :)

These four pictures is Greenland in a nutshell: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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