Where do you stand on major philosophical issues?

Time: A-theory or B-theory?

I'm not sure if that's a joke or not (never paid attention to these terms), but here's a thought I've had for the last week or so: I realized that from this last girl I was dating I miss who she WAS at a certain period of time (when I was getting to know her, before things fell apart). It wasn't the first time that I missed the way someone was at X period of time. They don't seem to be this or that way anymore either because I got to know too much about them (my perception of them changed) or because their behavior changed. So it started to make me wonder whether or not we are just instantaneous rather than fixed in time. I actually don't know if I am the same person as I was the night before I woke up this morning. My thoughts are the same (in regards to memory and such) but do they remain the same all the time?

Trolley problem (five straight ahead, one on side track, turn requires switching, what ought one do?): switch or don't switch?

I wouldn't intervene at all. I'd feel better knowing something bad happens because of randomness or because of the initial state of the situation than knowing it happened because of my action. No, I wouldn't jump on the tracks myself to save the people. However in real life I have the intuition I could throw myself to save someone from a bullet.

Truth: correspondence, deflationary, or epistemic?

I think a Truth is something that you held against your ego (the I) to build your orientation the world. Ortega says we are oriented by our surroundings in the world. I think a truth is part of those surroundings and it helps us being oriented.

Zombies: inconceivable, conceivable but not metaphysically possible, or metaphysically possible?

What is Being?

Phew. Now I'm reminded why I prefer academic philosophy rather than doing it by myself or as an autodidact (thank God I'm undergrad). I felt like doing some coffee-shop philosophy here. I hope not too much of my answers was too cray cray.

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