Which are those tiny things – inconsistencies, minor bugs, glitches, etc – that impoverish your Mac experience?

  • There's not right click/ctl click to share via bluetooth. Only AirDrop

  • In Finder: Clicking a location listed in the Path bar doesn't do anything. You should be able to click to navigate or drag/drop files to a location in the path bar.

  • In column view in finder: Finder's inability to sort files and sub-folders in a folder in ways that would help me separate file types, name, date modified. Would like file types to be collated alphabetically or by date modified. I.E. all sub-folders together alphabetically and then all files alphabetically in same folder. This works in list view not for column view. When you have view option configured to do this in a specific folder. It add annoying operators for every file/folder type. This is a very specific thing that I like how Windows handles for my needs.

/r/MacOS Thread