Which banshee is your favorite?

I play since global release and i know what im talking about as well... i never said she is top tier , i just said she is a ftp option and you might not believe it but not everone have dizzy let alone a good 5* for wyvern ( aka many new player ) so misty there can be an option with other ftp hero like alexa and montmo etc... also , a well invested banshee ( like many other player on the reddit already proved) does good decent damage, her s2 decrease attack which can help mitigate damage and yes she does not heal alot OF COURSE..you are not suppose to count on that BUT it DOES help a bit

Obviously i dont use her since i have ss.bellona,luna,kise,angie ,dizzy and karin but i dont use dizzy because you literrally dont need her for wyvern if your front line is tanky enough so any other dps make the run way faster.

also comparing any hero to dizzy is too silly lol , everone knows she is busted and make anything you do conpletely trivial

/r/EpicSeven Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it