Which is better?

The guy lives in Hawaii....so that isn't working long term. We had so much conflict these last few years and the majority of it came down to her not respecting my perspective and feeling wronged, unappreciated, putting words in my mouth, being unable to self critique or accept anything remotely resembling criticism. I mean she invented criticism where none was intended...creating these arguments that poisoned the relationship. She'll say I'm violent but I never laid a finger on her. She somehow forgets all her taunting over the years. I would walk away and she would be all over me, following me from room to room. Not listening to me when I tell her to back off, to leave the room, leave me alone. On spending money and debt it was the same thing, spending and not even taking seriously my ideas for budgeting and cost cutting....going so far as ridiculing them. As her income increased she got even more disrespectful. Recently she said I was out blowing money while she worked hard...when I moved out I left with my clothes, my 4 year old PC, and my Dad's road bike. Where the heck did I blow money? Oh yeah 2500 on a ring for 5 year anniversary couple of years ago...A dental implant when my root canal failed $2400.,..travel for my dad's funeral. She handled the budget, paid the bills....to retain control....because I do the math and go we cannot afford this or that while she finds a way to spend the money..with a bunch of liabilities she can't cover any given month. That's forecasting...not budgeting.

She tiled me recently me being broke isn't her problem.. Me working two jobs isn't her problem. Well I'm going for 50/50 custody and no child support or we go to fucking trial. She's worried about money and her retirement accounts while I'm worried about time with my kids and being able to regain control of my life independent of her. Bitch makes almost twice what I make.

On telling you you don't know what you marrying until years later.

/r/Divorce Thread