Which celebrity is a complete Asshole?

I once had this "Wow what is this?" moment watching Dr. Phil where he was trying to convince this wife to leave her husband on TV. Albeit he wasn't a great husband, but I could tell her wishes we're to try to work past what had now been exposed. Dr. Phil would have none if it. "He's a loser you're in denial why not right now, say on TV you'll leave him?" It was so aggressive I found myself siding with her. Despite everything she wouldn't do it. Her husband was clearly exposed there at everyone's mercy and it was like he was this thing to him, her pain was being acknowledged, but not her wishes or hopes, or that she still saw him as a human being and that was that Dr. Phil wanted a payoff moment. I just remembered feeling wow'd that this lady said no, she'll work it out and make her decision elsewhere and stood her ground without being defensive. I could only conclude from the awkward way he had to back off that Dr. Phil is a narcissistic bully with no interest in helping people who have to walk off set and live out whatever their lives have become as a result (if any of it's real). He's an exploitive predator with a live audience cheering him on

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