Which characters do you think are gonna die this season?

The original comment that said Jesus was dying didn't say that TSDF confirmed it or that anyone confirmed it. It didn't offer any reason to make that statement at all. It just said "we already know Jesus is dying".

So I asked for clarification -- how did we know that? Because from that post, I had no way of knowing whether it was a valid source or not.

That person responded to me in private messages and explained that it was from TSDF. That was cool. No problems.

Then some dick responded to my comment like I'm fucking stupid:

He's confirmed via spoilers and filming to die? It's very simple.

Which was unnecessary and rude. And honestly still doesn't even address whether it came from a valid source or not.

I was just explaining to him why I asked for a source in the first place: Because some people have valid sources and some people have IMDB or pure speculation and still claim to "know" things.

I understand that IMDB certainly isn't a valid source, and that was entirely my point in bringing it up.

I don't bother with TSDF spoilers because I don't care to go out of my way to find out what's happening next. Yeah, if they get posted here, I almost always read them because I'm not against being spoiled. I just don't usually seek them out.

And since I hadn't seen anything about Jesus dying, I wanted to know why he said it was happening... to confirm whether it was TSDF or whether it was just some theory or something.

That's all. I'm not stupid. I just hadn't seen anything about it until now, so I wanted to make sure it was valid before I believed it (and especially before I myself perhaps said something about it in a later post without having actual sources to back it.)

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