Which game should I preorder?

It does hurt the industry. Pre-ordering lets companies make back their money before the game is even released. so There is no incentive to making a good game. You are just paying because you enjoyed their marketing, which is ridicolus. There is no good reason to pre-order. Taking the risk of getting a good or bad game is not worth 60€ when you can wait to see when it is released. Playing the game on release-day is nothing. Especially not when we can just buy games through Steam, PSN or Xbox store.

And by not using companies pre-order modell, it would make them more likely to return to the demo mode. why would they invest the time and money into a demo when people are just giving them money because of a poster and a trailer that doesnt represent the finished content.

"It’s not offering anyone but publishers an advantage. It’s like paying for your meal at a restaurant before the kitchens are built, and months before the food critics have been in, let alone before you’ve been able to even read a proper menu. "

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