Which horse is the least of a bitch?

Rockstar did something w the horses. My palomino ASB used to be the hardest, toughest horse I know. Would stand on alligators and never flee in a flight. Now he's a huge huge piece of shit coward since the update. Flees at friendly fire. Flees at wolves howling 12.9 kilometers away. A real shame because I spent gold on him only to have him because a shell of his former self. If seems all the horses save a few are just giant babies. Also, Christ I feel like the horses require constant encouragement to go anywhere and are just blind and dumb because I've ran off more cliffs and into more fences and thrown off than ever before. Yeesh. I hate it.

On the plus side my Hungarian Half-bred is still a solid rock companion horse but for some reason he is like massively overweight or a chain smoker because he takes 8 trots and is already huffing and puffing like his just run a marathon. At least he stays put and I can still hunt w him.

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