which house will inherit the dreadfort after the fall of the boltons?

Haha. You are contradicting yourself left and right. First, you say you think merit is more important than right. Now you think the Umber and Karstarks heirs should keep their land for no reason other than happening to be born into that family. The VAST MAJORITY of Westeros doesn't have titled land. They'll be fine. Alys can marry well enough. The Umber boy can foster with Jon and become a steward. They'd still have lives better than most without getting to keep land others have earned through merit.

The families you mention and the Free Folk should be given the Last Hearth, the Karhold, and the gift of the Wall (now that the NW only has like a dozen men.)

yes irt does and and that is not an answer whatever your opinion it doesn't stop you from answering the point..

No, it really doesn't. Who Jon should marry has nothing to do with who gets the Dreadfort.

Ignoring that it's been established that Sansa is Lady of the Dreadfort, YOU admitted she had a claim. She can give her claim to her sister. Contradicting yourself again.

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