In which reddit defends an irresponsible, drug-addicted single mom

It is incredible how quick any post questioning if pot has medicinal value gets brigaded on Reddit. Wow.

They actually didn't asking a single fucking question about pot or it's medicinal value, they were hating on it right out of the gate. They've made fun of a woman who uses it who they've never fucking met and said she deserved to have her child taken from her. No one feels bad for this person getting 'brigaded', their opinion is unpopular for a reason; it's shitty.

If the woman in that post was a fundamentalist Christian teaching her kids that evolution wasnt real I suspect Redditors would be a lot more conflicted.

People won't put up with that special brand of bullshit. We cannot cut our children off from science. We cannot tell them lies. We cannot convince them that all of the work and research we've done in our time is null because an old book says so.

Instead, since she is straight up getting stoned around her kid and indoctrinating the kid it is totally ok!

You know, as soon as I read 'two whole ounces of pot' it started to make sense that they've probably never even fucking seen pot. I doubt you have either. Name a cannabinoid, I triple dog dare you. Tell me about the positive effects of one cannabinoid. To say that there are none is proving your ignorance. Teaching your child about something they will have to deal with at some point in their lives is not scummy, wanting to control another person's understanding of the world around them is scummy. Why the fuck shouldn't we learn about it? I tried to when I was that age, all they gave us was DARE, there weren't any books in the library about marijuana. DARE was a fucking joke and if anything made me more confused about drugs and want to get closer to them so I could try them. Sheltering your children from the real world isn't a solution; because when they're 18 and off on their own they're fucking clueless. If someone pressures them the slightest bit into doing something they have no clue how to react because you're not there pulling the strings.

You can't control an entire planet, so why not try to come to some kind of fucking understanding? Neither of you will learn jack shit about marijuana, because you simply don't want to. Your heart is so set on it being wrong and bad because that's likely all you've ever known. You'll go about your life trying to be everyone's parent, because your parents probably did it to you, and it makes you feel better, makes you feel more in control. At the end of the day, we're all dead anyway, do you get that? Why would you conscientiously root for a child losing their home? Call people you've never met abusive based on your blind prejudice? Is it really worth it to you? Why don't you work on a fucking solution instead, you act as if you're saving society preaching your brand of hatred.

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