Which Wildbow Protagonist makes the worst choices?

I don't necessarily agree with /u/Saberleaf but I don't at all agree with your reasoning either, and if nothing else I do want to address this:

4) Not trying suicide-by-cape when she goes to fight Lung,

The reason she tried "suicide-by-cape", and the reason people call it that, is because she was suicidal.

She had spent a lot of time compartmentalising as a (pretty reasonable) defence mechanism against the bullying, and part of the result of this is that she made a lot more decisions subconsciously instead of consciously. Another result of the bullying and, as well as the issues with her parents, is that she didn't really value her life any more, and because of this she attacks Lung.

The same goes for the "don't choose to become a criminal"- doing this was not a conscious decision, it was an unconscious desire to have friends and social connections she had control over.

Like, I'm sure you're a lovely person in real life, but reading your comment (and frankly op's poll as well) just makes me imagine the type of person who would see someone jump off a building and splatter in front of them them, and just go "what a dumb choice, I would never make such a stupid decision".

People are messy. Life is messy. You are not better than Taylor because you can critique her decisions, because that critique comes from the comfortable perspective of someone reading the story rather than living it.

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