Which would you prefer: having a baby without a partner or a partner without a baby?

Partner without a baby. I know several people who were raised by single mothers, and only one of them is doing alright.

There was an entire generation of women in the 70's-80's who had babies on their own "for themselves" or "for health", there was a lot of pressure applied so that they wouldn't have abortions from both society and healthcare professionals, and that shit was terrible for the children. Not because of a lack of male influence, although they do wonder who their dad is, and feel very lonely because of it; simply because having a child on their own plunged them all into very deep poverty. It also jeopardised any attempt at having a partner for these women and they all lead this extremely parasitic codependent existence with their children. Those who did find a partner wound up erasing the child from their lives almost immediately. I have an incredibly shitty absentee violent cokehead of an abusive dad and I still feel better because I at least know who he is and what I'm not missing.

/r/AskReddit Thread