While some develop PTSD after trauma, most people recover, and some even report better mental health than they had before, so-called “post-traumatic growth”, which has to do with trauma triggering a form of mental training that increases some survivors’ control over their own minds, finds new study.

Please remove my post if it’s inappropriate.

This post is fascinating for me. Just over 3 weeks ago, I witnessed a suicide. I didn’t know the person, and was driving past as a passenger. I didn’t realise what I was witnessing, and as soon as my brain realised what it was I looked away. I’m not sure how long I looked it felt like 1 second but the details and the sounds were crystal clear in my memory.

It’s important for me to say I have suffered the last 7+ years from depression, anxiety fluctuating from moderate to severe. I didn’t sleep for 3 nights after this because of not only the trauma of witnessing something like that, but the fact that every single little detail was on a loop in my mind. I went to see my GP to get something to help me sleep and when he told me that I’m traumatised I thought that was bullshit, because I wasn’t the one who had to retrieve this guys body, I wasn’t a friend or family member getting that awful news. I was just a passerby who looked in the wrong direction that day.

But it dawned on me that for the rest of that week I was literally in a zombie like state, my body was shocked and I was processing what had happened. I didn’t actually speak to anyone further than my GP’s 10 minute appointment because 1. I do not want to take up mental health resources when I am not rock bottom, especially after a lot of the events which I witnessed could be prevented with more mental health resources where I live, but 2. I actually feel ok. More OK than I have done in the last 7 or so years. Its strange for me to feel so ‘OK’ but I feel like that 1 second of trauma has altered my perspective on life, and I see things a lot more clearer and positively now.

I know it’s only been a few weeks. This article/post caught my eye and your comment felt like it made a lot of sense to me. Sorry if this is banging on, thanks if anyone reads this at all. If it’s inappropriate please let me know and I will delete it.

/r/science Thread Parent Link - digest.bps.org.uk