While trying to find anything on Craigslist

I hate people on Craigslist. To be blunt, they're fucking morons. As a seller, I provide what I would want as a buyer, information. I'll find the product being sold online and copy pasta that into my description. If no description can be copied, I do my best to make my own. Size, dimensions, functions etc... I'll also give details why I'm selling, how much I want, where I'm located etc... Then I'll add a fuck ton of pictures from every angle. When craigslist allows 26 photos, you're an idiot not to take advantage of that. More information means no surprises and better likelihood of a sale going through. Fuck waiting around all day just for someone to take one glance and say no.

All that clear and concise information and I still get contacted by people who email first, read later. Furniture is the biggist hassle, even when I'm listing it on free. I say bring moving equipment and at least two strong people since sice I don't want broken glass everywhere. I get the 4'11" Hispanic woman who tries to convince me that she and her cousin of similar stature can safely load a 6x3 foot glass table into the cousion's Prius.

It's so hard to read people from their emails. Most e-mails range from asking me what my price is when it's already listed to asking if it's still "avaleble." The best buyer is the one that writes a legible e-mail, makes an initial offer, and says when they would be avaliable to meet. They then sign it with their first name. Don't ask if it's avaliable, the seller will tell you if it isn't. The more you write, the more that seperates you and the spammers. Then stay by your email and fucking respond promptly.

Then there are just the assholes who try and knock you down when you're already giving it away. The worst though are the people who negotiate after you've already made a deal. I'll wait around all day for this guy to show up only for him to come 2 hours late and only carrying half the money he promised. Fuck those people.

As a buyer, well, most sellers suck. They list things in the wrong category, they don't provide pictures, they give vague to no details and then don't respond to emails. Or they're the idiot who thinks they understand marketing. Your moldy basement that is not up to code is not a "luxury 1 bedroom apartment."

Maybe I've just been smart with who I make deals with, but I haven't run into any scammers. Some people are "accidentally" short $5 when it comes time to pay (fuck you if you do that), but no money orders or people jumping me. Maybe I'm just selling/buying nicer shit that attracts a better quality demographic.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - i.imgur.com