Whined about ketogenic diet and epilepsy [update.]

Nope, no antibiotic use. I was diagnosed with celiac via blood test and endoscopy-it's an autoimmune disease, not an intolerance. I was told what I could eat at the mayo clinic but they highly advised against me eating any processed foods. So I researched and researched and it took me (even with an excellent diet) three years before I stopped needing 14 hours of sleep every day.

I agree that you can be your own doctor, to a certain point. But autoimmune diseases and neurological conditions have to be monitored by a doctor. With the kids on ketogenic diets, they see a 50% reduction in seizures while the kids are still on medication. All of the medication for epilepsy sucks, but you're also at risk of dying if a tonic clonic seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes. And each time you have a major seizure, it does brain damage.

Cluster headaches are incredibly rare (80% of people that get them commit suicide) and I can't take any of the pain medications for it, but my anti-epileptic drug and verapamil make the cycles shorter and the headaches less frequent. I use oxygen therapy for it as well, and having been in holistic circles, I've been demonized for taking any medication. But some conditions are so severe that you do need medication for it, it's not about big pharma; it's about improved quality of life when these things can't be controlled by lifestyle alone. People living before the introduction of grains had epilepsy, mental illness, etc. Even on a more "ideal" diet. I don't disagree that there's a big push for medications, but there are some conditions that are unfortunately mostly genetic or epigenetic and you have to be careful about those issues as well.

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