Whinesday Anyone?

I completely relate! I have polycystic ovaries and my periods could be anywhere between 20 days and 180 days apart so when we were trying to get pregnant it drove me insane never knowing if I was late or not.

My only tip - if you haven't already, get pregnancy test strips in bulk off eBay so you can test every 15 minutes guilt-free. Mine cost about A$1 a strip (I bought a 50-pack, the more you get the cheaper it usually is) and I gave myself a rule - if I had mild symptoms I could only test every weekend, if they were more pronounced I could test every 3 days and if I was bloated I was testing every day. And it sounds pretty silly but I also bought the super expensive ones that actually say "pregnant"/"not pregnant" and number of weeks as a reward - if I got a faint line on a cheap test I could take an expensive one but not before.

Bear in mind though the cheap ones don't show up as early, so if there's any reason you really need to know (medication, etc) definitely go straight to the expensive ones.

Sorry for the totally unnecessary long-winded reply but we just started trying for number 2 and all the anxieties I felt surrounding pregnancy tests from number 1 have just risen to the surface again, and setting myself rules and concrete plans of attack is how I deal with them. Feel free to ignore!!

Oh and good luck! (Whether you're hoping for negative or positive results, either way. :) )

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