You want ‘white anger?’ Try being a black doctor in Charlottesville

Baeer with me. I am going to try to make sense because I feel like I can explain it due to how you asked your question...

(Don't take this as I will allow anyone to be discriminated against in anyway. Bigotry )

It isn't that I think racism isn't a problem anymore, it's that to a lot of us it truly isn't. I just don't care. I want to be allowed to dislike some people because they fucking suck just as I am able to choose to be friendly.

To me the color of a man doesn't matter, nor does their heritage. I care about how the man treats me and others.

I want to be able to use man, men, mailman, and maybe congressman in a conversation without being corrected to a gender neutral term. I don't think of men when I said congressmen, I think of our fucking congress. Images of male and female members of congress come to mind. Get this, If I ever spoke to a congressman that was a woman I would address her as congresswoman. It is a respect of another human being thing that makes me do it. Congressman is a fucking thing in our minds. It doesn't have a gender. Stop correcting me, in my world, I don't care about gender.

I am just so tired if being attacked not only by random people. I don't need my "privilege" pointed out to me. I am struggling too. None of this is easy for any of us and the "privilege" you speak of is so effective that next I look forward to the day WIC is replenished because it matters.

I am educated. I am liberal. I am a progressive. I believe in a far reaching social safety net. I want to pay more taxes and receive more government programs to all people in the world.

I supported the movements to provide equal rights. I helped out. I marched in the demonstrations.

I am not discriminated against by the "system" but I am absolutely discriminated against by both bigots and antibigots. It is worse though than simple discrimination, I am attacked for it. I didn't choose to be white. I don't think about it. I don't think about minorities differently. Both sides force me to reintroduce bigotry back into my mind. Both sides draw my ire but the racists are a special level of evil. I agree, fuck them.

I guess the tl;dr of all this is simple. Fucking get off my back about everything. I am not your enemy and I honestly DO NOT CARE.

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