White dads of Half-Asians: stop asking how to raise half Asian children, when you know fully well your relationship wouldn't exist if you weren't white

I suppose I could just make a sock puppet and add it to the ranks of the army of others that reside on this sub, but then the discussion wouldn't be real.

Using your real account id definitely the way to go. I personally respect that choice.

from the rhetoric on display here and in other posts like this one

This post is at 4 votes. It's not exactly a popular post, and I don't think i've seen one that is heavily up-voted. Skimming through the top posts from this month, posts like this aren't popular. The one thing that they do have in common is that there's an triggered white guy who claims that these posts happen a lot more frequently than they do.

What does a wmaf hapa gain by believing all wmaf are born of self hatred from the part of the mother?

This post - probably not too beneficial.

Those who are born with parents with issues with self-hatred would likely be able to recognize the signs in their parents, and would likely find good resources here. There isn't another site that has gather together all the various articles, studies etc. Much of what is discussed here is also discussed on the Facebook groups, but in a less direct way.

In general I think there is more to gain from coming across r/hapas. While blunt, some of the realities of society are explained here. Many Hapas or those of Asian descent, eg Sheree from good ol' Woolongong, are fairly oblivious to some of the aspects of society that are pointed out here.

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