White guys

The difference being a funny stereotype or meme making fun of white people can't be used beyond humor, it is limited because white people are the majority in both population and elected representives. Never will white people shooting up school be taken as a legitimate concern, it would be seen as perposterous to even try to assume that white kids are prone to doing this not because of the idea but because the people in power would be stupid to pass laws and ideas that would go against themselves and their children. On the other hand, racism against blacks is used as justification for legislation, it has been used repeatedly for economic gain and racist stereotypes against black people can easily start off as a joke or even a racist complaint and spiral into laws, actions and violence because black people are a minority and pretty much defenseless if the majority acted against them. So this shit has nothing to do with hurt feelings, or being mean it has to do with the idea that racism has been used over and over as justification for laws that would never be ok if it were the other way around. These laws will go on to generate immoral and easy profit.

Started with slavery, black people were considered docile and submissive that was considered their nature. Black women were seen as breeders and this was done to allow slavery to continue after the international slave trade was abolished.

After slavery was abolished and black people were working and willing to work for basically nothing just because they had no other choice instead of being docile and submissive the new stereotype were that they were savage and bloodthirsty out to kill white people and rape white women. At the same time, the owners of these factories hired black people over whites because white people felt entitled to a minimum wage that black people didn't. So profit was made and by generating this idea that black people are dangerous lead to the working class white lashing out at black people instead of the factory owners who were two faced.

Then came eugenics where black people weren't civilized because the gender roles between men and women wasn't distinct like white people. White women had to be protected to reproduced for the good of "civilization" black people weren't seen as civilized. Black people were literally seen as savages because men and women's roles in the family and work was seen as too equal.

Now we have black people as pure criminals incapable of working and lazy. Jokes about avoiding work and the scariest thing to a black man is a job application when black people have been working in shitty factories for decades with little to no pay. This leads to stop and frisk laws and prisons lets not even get started on private prisons. And white people are so brainwashed whenever they see black people showing outrage they form reactionary stances and dig their heels in. Protesting against Garner and protesting for Darren Wilson. Donating money to Darren Wilson. Saying black people are the most racist because they complain against racism this shit is honestly so pathetic to witness like how can you really try and compare when the threat of racism against blacks hasn't stopped.

Show me an example of legislation going against white people specifically, where white people were given stereotypes and laws passed against them. Not legislation against men but specifically targeting white people rooted in a stereotype. Then I'll treat jokes and stereotypes against whites and blacks as equal.

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Thread Link - i.imgur.com