White House calls FBI probe into Clinton's classified emails a 'criminal investigation' – to glee of Republicans – on the same day Obama endorses her

Your own opinions are just gospel to you, aren't they?

And it's a word I stand by. As someone who feels that American interventionism is morally, ethically and politically nonviable and NOT in the best interest of either this country's citizens or those of the world; Yes, It's indefensible.

Never mind that, as I said, if you look outside safe spaces like /r/politics and /r/s4p, you'll find plenty of reasonable, intelligent people who are willing and able to offer defenses of Clinton's record. You may not agree with those defenses, but "I disagree with this defense of X" is not the same as "X is indefensible."

As someone who has worked with SCI and who's SO is a veteran who has as well, that word works too. Hillary Clinton's continued campaign and denial of wrongdoing is extremely insulting and completely diminishes the sacrifices of those that work to protect our country.

"I think Clinton's campaign is [in a way that's not quite clear] insulting to the sacrifices of soldiers and veterans, so it is.”

It's insulting to us on a level for those that have never made these sacrifices could ever understand.

"My SO is a veteran, so we inherently understand [in a way that's not quite clear] the Clinton campaign in a way that non-veterans can't."

It's not that "everything I see about her makes me hate her more", it's everything her campaign and the democratic party has done through the course of her campaign has eroded my confidence until there's nothing left. The "salt-the-earth" campaign ran against Sanders this election cycle

"I think the Clinton campaign has run a 'salt-the-earth' campaign against Sanders, so it is so. Never mind the multiple voices pointing out that in many ways this has been a highly positive campaign. Never mind that there have been plenty of attacks on both sides. Never mind that, just as Clinton has plenty of baggage Sanders never touched, Sanders has plenty of baggage that Clinton never touched. Feels over reals 4 lyfe.”

the failure to campaign in a policy driven fashion is merely half of that.

“I think the Clinton campaign hasn’t campaigned in a ‘policy-driven fashion’, so it is so.”

All of these these missteps she took could have been avoided.

“I think A, B, C, and D were definitely missteps, so they objectively were. Nobody could possibly disagree with me on this.”

All of these things serve to illustrate her poor judgement and lack of consideration for the backs of those this country has been built on

“I think A, B, C, and D prove that she’s got poor judgment. Never mind who says she’s got great judgment. Never mind who might disagree. Never mind anything that contradicts this. I’m objectively right, because I think I’m right. Oh, and also, Clinton doesn’t have “consideration for the backs of those this country has been built on.” Is that vague? Who cares. Do I have close personal knowledge of her that might support this rather bold judgment about her personality? Fuck you. I thought I was clear before: I’m right because I say I’m right.”

whether they're the progressives who feel their voices have been silenced, or the poor that her husband's policies destroyed the lives of, or our active duty service men and women who's well being she seems to have no regard for.

“These are totally fair generalizations to be drawing. What’s that? I might want to add a little qualification, or some context? …No, that sounds really onerous and boring. Clinton is Satan.”

Every argument I see in defense of her actions only creates a further rift between those on the left and right factions of the party.

“I loathe her, so everything I see about her makes me more angry, SO SHE’S DIVIDING THE PARTY. You know, by virtue of existing and being in the public spotlight.”

If there was any honesty employed regarding her actions, or if she was willing to accept wrongdoing and promise to reform in effort to steer the helm of this country in another direction this would be a different discussion.

Steering away from the sarcasm for a second (and leaving aside the very silly suggestion that she has no honesty in her actions at all), I’d be curious to know exactly what you think she could do to “make this a different discussion.” Although I note you’re not saying you’d vote for her if she improved, which I suppose also raises the question of why on earth you’d imagine she’d cater to people, like your good self, who won’t support her no matter what she does.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - dailymail.co.uk