White House says Biden is not calling for regime change in Russia

I think we're hitting them with their own stuff. Like when Vladimir Putin says stuff:

The Kremlin doubled down Thursday on recent statements by President Vladimir Putin that Russian society would benefit from what he called a "cleansing" of "scum and traitors" who align with the West in its criticism of the war in Ukraine.

You know what he means. But then you ask for clarification from an aid and you get:

"They vanish from our lives themselves," he added, noting, "Some people are leaving their posts. Some are leaving their active work life. Some leave the country and move to other countries. That is how this cleansing happens."

But the message was heard.

So when we say "Russia needs a regime change" the message was heard. And then we say "psych!" and the jury is instructed not to hear it. But they did.


/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - swissinfo.ch