White House suspends CNN reporter's access

I personally do not trust the aforementioned massive news outlets, they are unreliable sources of information. If Trump kicked someone out that was from a reliable source then it would have triggered my giving a shit but CNN is garbage and since you for some reason brought up Fox (and Obama?) lol, they are garbage too. The president lies, the news outlets lie. They take his lies and them twist them to make the story they want and trump in turn alters what he says in anticipation of the manipulation of his words. I dont doubt the CNN "journalist" (read: op ed writer) is getting sucked for being edgy and trump probably called him on it. Either way, journalism is so fucked right now I just dont trust much of any info out there. That said of course we need real journalists at the white house House maybe if he had blended in more or used a no bias approach he could have extracted information. And maybe it's likely he knew causing a stir would build his brand, increasing the chances of his personal success. I personally dont care in this instance because it is CNN, an unreliable and blatantly biased echo chamber.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - bbc.com