White/non-black women being around black men

I think there is a massive class divide that took the place of segregation, in America anyway. Ideas like this and the media divide us socially against each other. In American pop culture black people are always depicted as thugs and as a direct result the majority of black people I meet are tryna play gangster when there's never a call for that. Perhaps the majority of these people feel like there's only like two possible outcomes for their future either Steve Urkle or a hustler/player/pimp/gangsta/plug/etc. and what is glorified by those people? Sex and drugs. So if you're affiliating with those people you're kinda saying you like fucking hella bitches. What comes with hella bitches? STDs most likely. So if a girl is into fucking black guys can you see how someone could subconsciously think wow she's fucking a guy whose been with lots of girls she probably caught all his stds. Very gross right?

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