Why do white people have so much more variety in appearance than other races?

Europe is one of those places that has been so recently invaded by peoples displacing and absorbing existing groups. Around 8-10k years ago a group of people roughly from the Indus valley invaded and displaced and absorbed the local tribes and replacing their languages, too. So we now speak Indo-European languages. The only living remnant of the previous languages is Basque. Successive waves of conquests introduced variants of those languages, and an invasion of peoples from Central Asia introduced Finno-Ugric languages (Finnish and Hungarian)(Attila the Hun is a hero in Hungary).

So we now have everything from dark curly hair, in groups in France and Greece, dark straight hair-Spain, Alpine region, Eastern Europe, and as a result of an evolutionary bottleneck a small group that developed blond hair and blue eyes as a result of now amounts of sunlight developed in northern Europe and spread. It seems the gene for red hair and freckled skin may be inherited from ancient interbreeding with Neanderthals.

So pure Caucasian? Aryan? You can find those in Northern India. I laugh when I hear white supremacists use those terms.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent