White people in /r/BlackPeopleTwitter gets uppity when black people joke about racism in the media

I love how all the white people are complaining about using humour as an outlet to show real issues in the black community. So your ass thought being black was all fun, games and mixtapes. SIKE bitch there are real issues and if you don't wanna see them because its giving you too much of a real narrative of a black experience you can just move on... https://np.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/304pun/cnnbelike/cppeibk

yeah I guess no white people here are getting mad about it at all! They want to go back to the billion mixtape, dragonball Z crew, sidechick, catching hands, arianna grande being a baby, arguing with parents, being high jokes yet people find this "getting old" after a day.... yeah. https://np.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/304pun/cnnbelike/cppfyf6

These comments said it all. Just like everyone else who loves to appropriate or laugh at black culture, once real issues come out, people are quick to back out. It gets too real for some people, and they don't like that. People on reddit (read:the caucasion demographic) just want to laugh at black stereotypes and black people in general. It sucks that as of now culture wise, black people have very little that is our own.

At first /r/BlackPeopleTwitter was funny and showed real jokes from real black people and the funny shit we do actually say on twitter. But what happened was people came in (read:a large number of white people) came in and turned the quality of the sub to shit. Most black people on Reddit (real black people) are on /r/blackfellas or /r/blackladies. The small group of black people on Reddit realized that the sub became a sub now designed to mock and laugh AT black culture and not with us. And that is why black people are rarely in /r/BlackPeopleTwitter

source: I am a black man on Reddit who disavowed that shit, can confirm.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread