“You white piece of sh*t!” - Burger King

i mean i actually thought some of your points were alright but i just don’t like to respond nicely when i’m told to fuck off.

I never told you to go fuck yourself, I said that I wouldn't allow someone to come into my home and try to take over, they could go fuck themselves.

btw i don’t think you understand what a deflection is.

Yes, you're trying to deflect my points by saying that my views are simply a resentment towards white people. They aren't, and I actually typically stand up for white people 9 times out of ten because my spouse is white. I'm just not ignorant and delusional.

can you answer me one more thing honestly please as well? did you use alt accounts to upvote your comments and downvote me to try and swing the debate your way because i find it curious that i would be getting immediately downvoted and you upvoted on a fairly dead thread of hidden comments within minutes of my replies. just curious! i’m done now i swear

Nice try, again. Yet another attempt to disregard my points. No, I don't use alt accounts. I really don't care about what strangers on the internet think. Downvote me all you want, it won't change anything.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - orldstarhiphop.com