White street performer surprises at korean subway station

Yea, basically a consumerist nation with extremely limited attention span. Also, very easily triggered/offended by <insert circlejerk here>.

What if I told you this. A nice way to finish a fulfilling dialog with you, sir.

You work. Because you need to pay rent. Because you need to pay taxes. Because you will go to jail if you don't. Now your rent is increasing. Your salary don't. Because, you know, CEO. So you work second job. Or find a gal pal to live with share expenses. You now require a car. Which is $120 for the rest of your life. Running out of money? Heres a $1200 credit card, for just $15 a month for the rest of your life. You have to pay it, or we will deduct half a point off your credit score, and then nobody will let you rent a house. The circle of life. Living an American dream.

I decided to not pay rent. Because its 60% of my income. Minus 30% taxes gas cellphone bills etc. I now have alot of extra income, considering I work two days a week. I am rich as fuck. I also don't buy groceries. I go to local foodbanks to get food for free because I'm homeless boo pity party basically I'm amateurely gaming the system. I sleep in my car, in a sleeping bag on a parking lot. Fucked up right? Well, thats what you do if you live in United States. I love it. I sound angry but I'm really not that anxious about my future or the way I'm living. I go to the local library hauling my computer there five days a week working on my dream software developing project (after a kickstarter and media flop I was mentioning before). Pretty sure I'm going to be multi millionare by spring 2016. My life is fantastic. But I live in a car like a fucking savage eating beans from a can. Because that's what you get when you live in America. You get to shut the fuck up and play a role of a nice guy let me get that for ya ma'am.

A little bit confusing as I'm reviewing it but what I'm trying to say is that there is absolutely no way you can make anything of yourself in this country unless you grew up here/have a family/dealt a good hand basically. You have to break and bend over to make progress here. Or you can stand in line with 300 million people in it. Also: the line is just a facade nobody gives a fuck stop talking etc.

Great country? Sure, for some people. I'm just sharing my side of it. And I say fuck that

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