White supremacist killed in shootout with California deputies

As a money saving teen, I buzzed my own hair to a number one. Went to meet my girlfriend for her to finish class, and was minding my own waiting outside in the park by her building. Two guys were walking past, one white, one Asian. The Asian guy walked up and started giving me verbal for being a neo-nazi, while I profusely rejected his allegations, and told him to back the fuck off. He swore blind he'd seen me at a Nazi rally days before. His buddy noped the fuck out, and there I am trying to calm this guy down and assure him I'm no nazi. I came close to knocking him the fuck out, just as my black girlfriend walked out.

You might think that would make him back the fuck off, but he doubled down and kept ranting. My African girlfriend couldn't even make him see sense, and they got into a screaming match. We left him standing there still talking smack as we walked away laughing. I often wonder what happened to that guy. Hope he found some peace.

tldr - buzz cuts are cheap, but socially expensive.

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