White supremacist trying to form straight-pride parade accidentally lets truth slip at city council meeting

Do you want to know why or do you want to just not listen to the real reason and make up whatever fits rage culture? Right or wrong, we live in a society where the message is always "Love yourself for who you are".

However, if you are a white cis male, you are not allowed to be proud of who you are. If you say you are proud to be white, you are a white supremacist (just for being proud, without being a racist POS or thinking your race is better, just being proud of being in your own skin). If you are proud to be straight, you are bigot. If you are proud to be a man, you are sexist.

These feelings push these people towards extremism. If they come into a place and try to be like "Hey guys, I am proud as well", they get ostracized rightly or wrongly. So what is the next logical line of thinking? "Well, fuck those people for treating me like a monster for being myself".

This is the mentality that is pushing extremism right now in the US. However, every time is is brought up, we get posts on things like /r/FragileWhiteRedditor or people tell them to stfu they don't have a history of oppression, and completely dismiss their feelings.

Of course it's a bit more complicated than what I said, it's not as black and white as I said. However the point is, I believe the answer is to be more accepting of all people and not just everyone but white straight men. This is why this group is growing as a threat right now, and it will only get worse.

If you follow the logic I said, eventually they will find a community where people say "I get it, these people are assholes" and they will feel understood. The feeling of being understood to these people is something they have been looking for a long time. This is why grooming them to be extremest is so easy.

Now I am not saying ALL white straight men are like this, I am saying the ones who do mass shootings and stuff feel just as alienated and betrayed by their country as any minority. Addressing this is the key to solving the problem IMO.

/r/youseeingthisshit Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it