A white woman called police on a black 12-year-old — for mowing grass

I did a two second Google search using the words “Town-Police-blotter.

I used town so I wouldn’t have to pour through a big city’s police blotter.

Milford New Hampshire, last week below.

I think there are 6 or 7 suspicious activity calls responded to.

I don’t know the reasons, but I bet in that random very recent report at least one white person called to report another white person was doing something suspicious, and the cops determined it was a bogus, frivolous call on an innocent person.

Milford (pop. 7800) is over 85% white, only 1.5% black so the chances for a white vs black angle is low.

Maybe we can get Washington Post to do some investigative reporting to see if my hunch is correct. This could be big news.


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