Whizbang starts you at 30hp in the tavern brawl

they took the one last bit of fun I had left today,a fter it gave me solace just after they ruined coldlights for me. don't get them to then turn around and nerf this too, especially knowing that next week's brawl is not gonna be the fun version rom 3 or 4 years ago, but the version that was just another weekly pump and dump last year. sure the druids needed it, sure the paladins need it, definitely the kingsbane is no longer immortal... but they already nerfed shudder, at least give him his original text back and make a 30 battlecry gimmick deck and remote semblance of fun at all in 'standard'. I guess I'm done buying their lootboxe bundles every few months and will just be rangering it from here on out. I can't sit through 15-30 minute netdeck bs until we start making progress toward gold for packs when we lose too. screw that. I have much better things to play with that time, that don't make me wanna throw the controller across the room every time some stupid rng screws me. ranger is a godsend.

/r/hearthstone Thread Link - imgur.com