Who are Diamond Dogs? (Theory)

SF's double was to let Miller believe he was building a new motherbase, with a new name, any name but Outer Heaven, in order to mask the true nature of the new organization, they would then procede to hunt, kill and torture many people, forcing them to either join or die.

To this effect SF was ensuring the right minded people were in line to run the new Outer Heaven once his plan is finalized, his plan obviously, was to ultimately be killed by himself, at least the more appealing version of himself to the public and soldiers.

The thing is you see, Huey was a traitor, but not to be evil, to make sure without doubt that he could be the one to pull the trigger on SF, and miss/non lethally wound him, so that his men could save him and he could continue running things from behind the drapery as the real BB, whilst the double continues meandering around doing the same old wet work as any mercinary, assuring that no one, not even Zero, would ever see him as any more than a Soldier.

There are obviously many ways to shoot this theory down, but I believe that by imagining the double got the same hypnotherapy as Ocelot to ensure he carries out this plan in the perfect way, step by step, but at the end never gain enough ego to actually use BB's power and reputation, and Face. A suggestion with a timer you could say.

Thing is everyone is different, and Suggestions require a certain will power to work, with stress of war, death and disease, how long can a suggestion stay planted before things begin to 'bleed' through.So that could explain the 'hallucinations' we see/Hear, and anything suspicious that occur's outside of his subconcious can be explained by just mentioning '1984'.

Big Boss is a cunning and ruthless leader, a true patriot, The Bosses student and Zero's good friend, he is a man with knowledge, secrets, power and control. Can you really say without any doubt, that this version of the truth is impossible? Because I can't.

Those saying we here everyday, common cliches and tropes? Catchprases and rumors....where do they come from? and What role were they designed to make out of us? "The whole world's a stage, and we are merely the actors'

We're acting as BB, but were Venom Snake, who's acting like BB, for Skull Face who's acting like an enemy, like The Boss, but he is really BB acting like a scapegoat, who is really the mastermind. The villain is the Hero, and The hero - The Villain. "Everything's a Lie".

/r/NeverBeGameOver Thread