Who are you voting for in the upcoming leadership election?

People don't really care about Tuition Fees though, they care that the Liberal Democrats betrayed/lied to them about it.

I didn't vote to increase tuition fees

Extra lying isn't going to win anyone over. In fact it'll just turn people away. He pledged to vote against any increase in tuition fees and then voted for an increase in tuition fees.

Labour backed the Browne report which recommended unlimited fees.

Under Gordon Brown they did. Under Ed Milliband they voted against the increase so all you'll get in response is "we voted against them; you voted for them!"

The thing is he electorate don't actually care about Tuition Fees. They just don't. They didn't care in 1998, they didn't care in 2005, they didn't care in 2010 and they didn't care in 2015.

What they were angry about was the fact that a party who had campaigned for at least a decade on free university education and prominently signed a pledge that they would actively vote against tuition fee increases but then betrayed their voters at the first sniff of power (their view, not mine).

The issue isn't about Tuition Fees it's about trust (ironically given Lamb's campaign). We lost so many seats because the electorate no longer trusted a Liberal Democrat MP to be a Liberal Democrat MP and therefore shifted their votes to the party that seemingly represented their views the most (largely Tory).

So Norman Lamb can make those arguments successfully as an MP but as Leader of the Liberal Democrats it doesn't restore trust.

Just look at Labour! They lost the 2010 election because the electorate didn't trust them with the economy or immigration. So what did they do?

  • Chose a leader who was closely linked to the economic decisions of G. Brown

  • Chose a Shadow Chancellor who was closely linked to the economic decisions of G. Brown

Not only that but both refused to either accept they'd got it wrong or try and convince us they were right (instead they promoted the austerity narrative thus sealing their fate).

/r/LibDem Thread Parent