Who are your favourite Fortnite YouTubers?

Dude your're being too nice to /u/LitanahArmy. Litanah I hope you read /u/thinspiritual 's comment. You're knowledge of fortnight is absolute dog shit. When I was bored during the birthday event I just watched a few youtubers videos of birtday llama openings. In this video how the hell don't you know that this is just the epic version of siegebreaker https://youtu.be/beMOd2oT9yw?t=15m54s ? In this video https://youtu.be/iqi_Tyeab70?t=2m7s you think you can get a silent specar? Dude you have played the blockbutser event. How do you not know it was an event only weapon? You might as well ask for a gravedigger or a pumpkin launcher from an upgrade llama.
Are you joking about click bait titles? Your titles are the most click baity ones. I try to avoid your channel because you're content is horrible but I sometimes click on your videos and think "oh shit a Litanah video. well that was an accident, I clicked it might as well make fun of how stupid this youtuber is". You're lucky 10 year olds play this game because thats who's watching your videos and thinking " wow Litanah is a great youtuber" Anyone with half a brain stays away from your videos. Sadly you have a lot of influence in the STW community and it's sad that you get more views than some people who actually know about the game.

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