Who believes Satan exists? If you do you know it's the ultimate conspiracy. If you think The Devil is fake that's cool, but I never will no matter what.

I do not believe in your God, nor do i believe in your Satan.

However, i tend to believe that this Satan and this God were, at some point, real flesh and blood sentient beings.

As the ancient Sumerians have much of the same accounts as was cannonized into the bible, i believe they were closer to a more accurate description of events. Meaning, Enlil was the ruler of Earth at the time. His brother, Enki, was second in command. When Enki was charged with creating the Adamu (humans), he ended up loving his creations so much, that he taught them certain skills (the tree of knowledge). However, under the decree of Enlil, whem creating the Adamu, Enki had to keep their lifespan short, (tree of life). This meant that humans procreated at a much faster rate, growing in numbers very quickly.

Enlil didnt like this, as he feared that with enough numbers, humans could rise up in a mutiny against his rule. Thus, he forbade Enki from teaching the humans anything aside from what they were created for.

But Enki did anyways, which enraged Enlil. A war ensued between the brothers, wherein Enlil was the victor.

"History is written by the victor," as they say. Keeping this in mind, Enki's symbol was the serpent. Your Satan's symbol is also the serpent. However, as i said, "history is written by the victor", i tend to believe that Enki, having lost the war, enured having his name slandered for enternity. Him and his followers were cast out and banished.

Enkis story almost perfectly parallels your Satans story. As i believe everything is about perspective, i camt help but to wonder whether Enki/Satan was actually the "good guy", but lost, making Enlil/God Ruler of All, and allowing the latter to dictate what will be remembered in the future (now). But more probable, imo, is that they both meant the best, but differed in their visions, causing the war which left one looking like the bad guy, amd the other as the good guy.

I believe all wars are fought by good men. It all depends on perspective. One side's "bad guys" are the other side's "good guys". Keeping the facade of good versus evil is a fantastic way of keeping a population divided in perpetuity. Bit alas, nothing is ever so black/white. Life is greyscale.

/r/conspiracy Thread