Who comes over at your place after a first date? Seriously.

You want to have sex after first dates that it would make you "die happy," but girls who do so are "dumb sluts?" This is hard advice to take, but you need a healthier view on sex and women in general, regardless of whether you are currently sexually active or not. This reads like you are vulnerable to be brainwashed by redpillers.

Repeat this to yourself (seriously, say it out loud): Women are people.

They are able to feel the same vulnerability and anger that you do now. They get attracted, creeped out, horny, sad, happy. They have time commitments. Jobs, school, friends, etc. Stop making it one-dimensional: she has sex with you or she doesn't. If that's all that is on your mind, then on a date you're simply manipulating conversation to get to sex.

There is some truth in that it is risky for a girl to go to a date's place early on. You really think women don't know that? Perhaps it would be better to subscribe to /r/twoxchromosomes than /r/seduction for perspective.

I don't mean to be overly patronizing, I just see a lot of me and other guys with the same mindsets that need to change. Changing is hard. Regardless of whether you choose to change, some advice, since you will likely still be looking for dates: make her feel safe, unjudged. Be enthusiastic about her, legitimately interested, unafraid to be attracted and sexual.

And read every situation for what it is. Not all first "dates" are created equal. A Tinder match messaged me 11pm on a Saturday saying she was visiting a friend in town for the weekend and they were out dancing. This week, I'm going to take a very engaging, but super religious friend out to coffee during the work week. The point where you realize you've changed is when it doesn't affect you personally if you get sex or not in either situation.

/r/seduction Thread