Who Did It Better?

I worked for the same company for 35 years, never lived above my ability to pay for it, always drove an older well maintained car(paid cash for), paid my house off in 18 years(not 30), saved all I could in my 401k with company match, paid for my child's college so she wouldn't start her life in debt, and retired debt free at 56 with just a little over $600k in savings and investments and a nice pension. Not a million, but it's only there because I planned it to be there. Yes, there are self made millionaires, I know several of them that worked 60 hour weeks for 30+ years to accumulate it. Thinking otherwise is just some whiney little shits thinking they got left out, but in reality they are mostly just lazy, or make a lot of poor choices in life.

/r/gifs Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com