Who else feels incredibly unsatisfied with life, no matter how good you have it.

I had a friend like this who went to every football match and went on holiday 3x a year. He told me he wasn't ever excited cause it's all he'd ever had and so wanted other things. Whilst in the same breath telling me he'd have already topped himself, dealing with the circumstances I've had. I guess a lot of it is perception, if you know what it's like to have it much, much worse, maybe you'll appreciate what you have a bit more.

Here's an idea, give yourself the minimum budget the government says you need to live on. Eat foods and only use things that you can obtain with that budget. And if you drive, stop, walk. Bit different during all this covid stuff but worst case scenario, you'll have saved some money. With any luck, you might also learn how much you could be struggling like other people, and it might make you feel a bit more appreciative and satisfied?

I'd say I'm speaking from experience but currently debating if I can afford milk, and I feel pretty positive still hahaha

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