who else has noticed Erik Karlsson has a dip in 99% of the time during the game?

There's a few categories to chewing tobacco aka Dip. Regular Dip, what most people know of, is a can filled with essentially shred up tobacco leaves that typically have flavoring (Mint, Wintergreen which is the equivalent of a spearmint, etc). This comes in different lengths of Dip such as long cut, short cut, wide cut. You wad it up and place in your lip. You also spit it out to avoid swallowing because that's gross and can make you feel sick.

Pouches is the same as Dip, but instead it is held in small pouches or bags to keep the tobacco together and avoid having it get loose in your mouth. Most people also spit this out. Most people like pouches because they are cleaner, but you don't really get to regulate how much goes in your mouth outside of how many pouches you place.

Snus is tobacco as well, but is treated differently. Most people purchase it in pouches, but the important thing to note is that Snus doesn't make your mouth produce a lot of saliva like Dip does, meaning you don't need to spit out the saliva all the time. This means it's a lot easier to conceal, doesn't leave a mess, and is better for longer periods of time.

Then you have stuff like Redman, which is larger cut up and treated tobacco leaves that you actually chew or gnaw at and spit out the saliva. It's more popular among baseball players and can be mixed with gum to sort of conceal it and add flavor.

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