Who Else Struggles With Concentration When Reading?

Just from my own experiences in the last few months I think we share the same problem. If you're like me then the moment that you sit down to read you notice the switch in your brain that goes into reading mode and is readying itself to observe and obtain new info. Adversely, it seems this also backfires for myself because I'm not a big reader. I become aware of every little noise and detail about my surroundings: noises, leg placement, throat scratches. To get to the point, it helps to have any kind of whitenoise or means to block out your surroundings to keep your brain locked into a rhythm inside the book and not constantl trying to restart this process everytime you get distracted. The two times I've sat down to a novel this year I found that one way works and one does with less effectiveness. On a beach with just a few people but plenty of distractions I found that listening to music completely zoned me out and it was an alternative outside rhythm that get my attention where it needed to be. At home, in quiet and with fewer distractions I actually found it harder to read. So I left the AC on beside me and soon its whitenoise seemed to be helping but did less to completely block loud noises as music did for me. So just make sure you're well awake, comfortable and probably with some music. I know I spent a lot more space than I needed to but I hope it's better illustrated my point.

Source: Personal experience, take it for what you will.

Thanks for reading.

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