Who else thinks that getting oneshot by doomfist is way more frustrating than getting oneshot by the old roadhog?

Roadhog is built around the idea of killing stupidly aggressive enemies such as flankers, or pulling people who are valuable and mis-positioned that can not be killed by him [tanks] but because it's punishing the DPS players and overtly aggressive Rein's they will bitch and moan about it is dead in the ground.

That is what Roadhog was made to be, but that was not how he was played back when he was OP. Back before his nerfed, he was played every single game in higher ranks and he was just as much a tank shredder as a anti-flanker hero. He would hook tanks, deal 300+ damage to them, then his team will also deal damage to defenseless tank, and the tank will die. If Roadhog landed a hook on anyone, they would die because of team coordination.

All of these people are saying like "if you were hooked, you were out of position." Obviously, you have never played against a good Road if you think like this. It doesn't matter where you are - if you are dealing damage to anyone on the enemy team, you are in a spot where Roadhog can hook you or just land a right click on you. When Roadhog was OP, almost every single person in top 500 was a Roadhog main or Roadhog second main. He was so busted beyond oblivion and there was no counterplay. I still think Blizzard nerfed him too hard, but he needed to be hard nerfed.

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